Opening Hours


Tue–Thu 12:00–6:00 p.m.
Fri–Sun 10:00 a.m.–8:00 p.m.
Admission free


Tue and Wed 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m.
Thu 12:00–6:00 p.m.

How to find us

FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum
Adalbertstraße 95A
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
U-Bahn Kottbusser Tor (U1, U8), Bus M29, 140

How to find us:



Wheelchair access to all exhibitions on three floors, the archive and the event floor. Exhibitions in the glass tower are not wheel chair accessible. An accessible restroom is located on the basement level of the museum. You can retrieve the restroom key from the museum's bookstore (mezzanine level).

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Bezirksamt Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg
Fachbereich Kultur und Geschichte

FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum
Adalbertstraße 95A
10999 Berlin-Kreuzberg
Fax +49 30 50 58 52 58

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FHXB-Museum Friedrichshain Kreuzberg

Events: What's on


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Ceremonial naming of the Çetin Mert Park

11th May | 3 pm | Green Space Skalitzer Str./Mariannenstr.

Çetin Mert (1970-1975) lived with his family in Kreuzberg. His mother Münevver was one of the first migrant workers to come to West Berlin from Turkey. On his 5th birthday, May 11, 1975, Çetin was playing on what was then Gröbenufer (now May-Ayim-Ufer) near Oberbaumbrücke when he fell into the Spree and drowned. The full width of the Spree belonged to East Berlin and entering the border area was life-threatening. He could not be rescued. Çetin Mert was one of the youngest victims of the division of Berlin (1961-1989).  Before he died, four children had already drowned near the Oberbaum Bridge. After his death, there were protests by Berliners of Turkish origin. In October 1975, the Senate and the GDR government signed an agreement on rescue measures in the event of accidents in Berlin's border waters. To prevent further accidents, a fence was erected on the banks of the Gröbenufer.


The following spoke: Clara Herrmann (District Mayor Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg), Anna von Arnim-Rosenthal (Berlin Wall Foundation, Director of the East Side Gallery), Dr. Jens Schöne (Deputy Berlin Commissioner for the Reappraisal of the SED Dictatorship, BAB), Safter Çınar (Board Spokesman Turkish Federation in Berlin-Brandenburg). Musically framed by: Encan Acıkada.


Free admission | Speeches in German spoken language | Wheelchair-accessible

Film evening “Mein Kiez. History(s) of the divided Berlin”

16th May | 6 pm | Roof top FHXB Museum

As a film student in 1991, Can Candan interviewed migrants of Turkish origin from Kreuzberg: What did the fall of the Wall mean for them and their everyday lives? What fears and hopes did they associate with it? How did they deal with the flare-up of racism?

In “Walls 2.0”, authors Jana König, Elisabeth Steffen and Inga Turczyn interview some of the participants in “Duvarlar” again: How do they view issues such as racism, nationalism and economic exploitation today? Are there new 'walls'? People from the eastern part of Berlin also have their say.


“Duvarlar - Mauern - Walls” (D, 2000), directed by Can Candan

Excerpts from the film “Walls 2.0 - migrant and anti-racist perspectives on the fall of the Wall” (D, 2011)

Film talk
Pia Eiringhaus, Curator Outreach at the Berlin Wall Foundation
Jana König, Head of Collection at the FHXB Museum
Inga Turczyn, freelance author and director for documentary film

Moderation: Nora Hogrefe, Head of the Coordination Office for Historical City Markings, Active Museum


Free admission | Event in German spoken language | Wheelchair-accessible


A cooperation between the Berlin Reappraisal Commissioner and the FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum.
Further information at


"99 scattered pearls" - Reading with Halim Youssef

23 May | 6 pm | Rooftop floor of the FHXB Museum

As part of the Kurdish Culture Days, Yekmal e.V. invites you to a reading with Halim Youssef followed by a discussion with Sozdar Jafarzadeh at the FHXB Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Museum.

Halim Youssef is a German-Syrian writer and translator. Born in northern Syria, he now lives in Germany and writes short stories, plays and novels in Kurdish, Arabic and German, in which he explores themes such as identity, migration and homelessness.

His novel "99 Scattered Pearls" tells the story of the translator Azados, who comes to Germany from northern Syria, based on his own life. Here he meets, among others, Hamza, a refugee from Turkey who was persecuted as a Kurd in his home country and is labelled a 'Turk' by right-wingers in Germany. In 99 chapters, the relationship between language, belonging and self-realisation is dealt with in a tense and sensitive way, while at the same time the conditions under which Kurdish people live in Syria, Turkey and Iraq, but also here in Germany, become clear.

Following the reading, Halim Youssef and Sozdar Jafarzadeh will discuss perspectives and realities of literary work and self-realisation in the diaspora and invite the audience to join in the discussion.


Free admission | Reading in German spoken language | Wheelchair-accessible

To the programme of the Kurdish Culture Days:


Long Week of Neighbourhood History: city tours in Kreuzberg and Friedrichshain on 25 May, 29 May and 1 June

25. Mai | 29. Mai | 1. Juni

City tour 1:
Migrant self-organisation against racism and fascism

Saturday, 25 May, 1 pm

Meeting point: Garden of the FHXB Museum

On the city tour at Kottbusser Tor, the junction point of Kreuzberg's migration history since the 1960s, we will explore places of social dynamics of migrant self-organisation and resistance against racism and fascism together. A journey through time and space that brings us closer to the power of solidarity and political engagement in Kreuzberg.


Registration required




City tour 2: 17 June 1953 in Friedrichshain

Wednesday, 29 May, 5 pm

Meeting point: Frankfurter Tor at the steps in front of the "Brewdog" pub

71 years ago, on 17 June, there was a nationwide popular uprising in the GDR. There are numerous biographical and geographical references in the Friedrichshain district around the former Stalinallee that can be discovered on this city tour.  


Registration required

Contact: Tom-Aaron Aschke,



City tour 3: Power station, piano plague and coal mountain. A consumer and environmental history of Kreuzberg

Saturday, 1 June, 1:30 pm

Meeting point: Ohlauer Str./Paul-Lincke-Ufer

Environmental history is dedicated to the many interactions between humans and the environment. The fight against microbes will be just as much a part of the city tour as the change in household management and our role as consumers. We will also follow the many struggles of Berliners for public parks, cycle paths and an environment worth living in.


Registration required

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